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FEMA Describes community vaccination center program--press release

FEMA Supports Vaccine Distribution: COVID-19 Response Update |

WASHINGTON -- FEMA has now obligated more than $1.98 billion to states, tribes, territories and Washington D.C., for community vaccination centers, and as of Feb. 4, there are 175 federally supported vaccine centers operational across the country.

FEMA continues working alongside other federal agencies in providing federal support for critical staffing, supplies and other shortfalls that can help get more Americans vaccinated.

President Joseph R. Biden directed FEMA to retroactively reimburse states for 100% of their costs for eligible emergency protective measures including masks, gloves, emergency feeding actions, sheltering at risk populations and mobilization of the National Guard, if not funded by HHS/CDC or another federal agency.

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Vaccine distribution problems: complicated by use of algorithms

Faced with the daunting task of parceling out a limited supply of coronavirus vaccines, Trump administration officials came up with a seemingly simple formula last year to streamline distribution of the shots.

First, federal administrators would run an automated algorithm to divide vaccine doses nationwide, based on the size of each state’s adult population. Then each state would decide how to dole out the shots to local hospitals, nursing homes and clinics.

But rather than streamline vaccine distribution, public health experts say, the algorithm has increased the burden for many states. It requires them to come up with multiple delivery plans for their weekly quotas of Pfizer and Moderna shots, even if the different shipments are destined for the same clinics and hospitals.

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