Controversy over Australian PM's vaccine comments points to disputes over vaccinations

Mexico exploring phase 3 trials of Russian coronavirus vaccine

This Trawler’s Haul: Evidence That Antibodies Block the Coronavirus


A fishing vessel that left Seattle in May returned with an unexpected catch: the first direct evidence in humans that antibodies to the coronavirus can thwart infection.

More than a hundred crew members aboard the American Dynasty were stricken by the infection over 18 days at sea. But three sailors who initially carried antibodies remained virus-free, according to a new report.

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Trail of bubbles leads scientists to new coronavirus clue

doctor checking comatose COVID-19 patients for signs of a stroke instead stumbled onto a new clue about how the virus may harm the lungs -- thanks to a test that used tiny air bubbles and a robot.

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Millions of women lose contraceptives, abortions in COVID-19

American Indians, Alaska Natives hit harder by COVID-19, U.S. CDC says

Study indicates COVID-19 Hospital death rates similar between blacks and whites

Georgia, Texas and Florida lead the country in coronavirus cases per capita

Johns Hopkins study on framework for COVID Vaccination distribution

Britain to bring in mass testing to curb spread of COVID-19

A Novel Way to Combat Covid-19 in Nursing Homes: Strike Teams

HENDERSONVILLE, N.C. — The coronavirus entered Cherry Springs Village quietly, then struck with force. Nearly every staff member and resident of the long-term care facility would become infected.

They needed help — fast — and the county responded: It sent in a “strike team” of medical workers, emergency responders, clergy and others, in what is becoming a new model for combating Covid-19 in residential care centers.

Nurses and doctors from hours away came to aid sick residents and replace staff who had contracted the virus. They set up oxygen and IV drips, to avoid sending residents with milder illness to overburdened hospitals.

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The CDC wants state and local sewage systems tested for coronavirus

Covid-19: Blood Plasma Authorization Is Put on Hold

Last week, just as the Food and Drug Administration was preparing to issue an emergency authorization for blood plasma as a Covid-19 treatment, a group of top federal health officials including Dr. Anthony S. Fauci intervened, arguing that emerging data on the treatment was too weak, according to two senior administration officials.

The authorization is on hold for now as more data is reviewed, according to H. Clifford Lane, the clinical director at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. An emergency approval could still be issued in the near future, he said.

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Flu was all but eliminated in South Africa this year. Coronavirus is to thank.

Flu Season Will Be a Test Run for the U.S.’s Biggest-Ever Vaccine Campaign

This fall, the U.S. will need to vaccinate huge numbers of Americans in the middle of a public-health crisis. It will also be a valuable dry run should a coronavirus shot arrive months later.

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